Original Title: Embrace of the Serpent
Shooting Format: S35mm
Sound: 5.1
Shooting Location: Amazon Region-Vaupés, Guainía Colombia
Genre: Adventure - Mystery
Language: Spanish
Duration: 125 minutos
Genre: Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina
Production Houses: Ciudad Lunar, NorteSur y MC Producciones.
Year: 2015
Embrace of the Serpent tells the epic story of the first contact, encounter, approach, betrayal and, eventually, life-transcending friendship, between Karamakate, an amazonian shaman, last survivor of his people, and two scientists that, over the course of 40 years, become the first men to travel the Northwest Amazon in search of ancestral knowledge. Inspired by the journals of the first explorers of the Colombian Amazon, German ethnologist Theodor Koch-Grunberg and American botanist Richard Evans Schultes.
- Directed by: Ciro Guerra
- Produced by: Cristina Gallego
- Written by: Ciro Guerra, Jacques Toulemonde
- Sound Design by: Carlos García
- Cinematography by: David Gallego A.D.F.C.
- Music by: Nascuy Linares
- Editing by: Etienne Boussac y Cristina Gallego
- Cast: Nilbio Torres, Tafillama (Antonio Bolívar Salvador), Yauenkü Miguee con Jan Bijvoet, Brionne Davis
- 2016 OSCAR Award Nominee – Mejor Película Internacional.
- Nominada Independent Spirit Awards – Mejor Película Internacional.
- Art Cinema Award – Quincena de Realizadores de Cannes.
- 7 Platinum Awards, incluyendo Mejor Película Latinoamericana del año.
- 4 Phoenix Awards
- 8 Macondo Awards
- Best Film Festival de Mar del Plata.
- Best Film Yerevan.
- Best Film Lima.
- Best Film Canarias.
- Best Film Riviera.
- Best Film Perec.
- Best Film Olsztyn.
- Best Film Santiago.
- Best Film Goa.
- Ganador de 54 premios internacionales en festivales como Sundance, Rotterdam, Odessa, Estambul, Durban.