Original Title: Birds of Passage
Shooting Format: S35mm, Anamorphic
Locations: Desert of La Guajira and the Sierra Nevada Santa Marta - Colombia
Genre: Fiction
Language: Spanish
Duration: 120 minutos
Countries: Colombia, Denmark, Mexico
Production Houses: Ciudad Lunar Producciones, Blond Indian Films and Pimienta Films
Year: 2018
The origins of the Colombian drug trade, through the epic story of an indigenous Wayuu Family that becomes involved in the booming business of selling marijuana to American youth in the 1970s. When greed, passion and honour collide, a fratricidal war breaks out that will put their lives, their culture and their ancestral traditions at stake.
- Directed by: Cristina Gallego, Ciro Guerra
- Produced by: Katrin Pors, Cristina Gallego
- Written by: Maria Camila Arias, Jacques Toulemonde
- Sound Design by: Carlos García
- Cinematography by: David Gallego A.D.F.C.
- Music by: Leo Heiblum
- Editing by: Etienne Boussac
- Cast: Carmiña Martínez, Jose Acosta, Jhon Narvaez, Natalia Reyes, Jose Vicente Cotes, Juan Martínez, Greider Meza
- Película de la Apertura -Quincena de Realizadores de Cannes 50º Aniversario.
- Shortlist Premio de la Academia a la Mejor Película Internacional
- Premio Ariel Mejor Película Iberoamericana
- Premio Fenix Mejor Película Latinoamericana-6 Nominaciones
- 9 Premios Macondo incluida Mejor Película Colombiana
- Best Film Festival de La Habana,
- Best Film Festival de Miami
- Best Film Festival de Biarritz
- Best Film Festival de Punta del Este
- Ganador de 44 premios internacionales en festivales como Londres, Chicago,Tromso, El Cairo, Antalya, Lima,Motovun.
- Escogida dentro de las mejores películas del año por TIME Magazine,TheNewYork Times, Variety, TheNewYorker, L.A. Times,VanityFair, Esquire, VillageVoice, Indiewireand Barack Obama.