Latin American icon Ruben Blades was at the center of the New York Salsa revolution in the 1970's. His socially charged lyrics and explosive rhythms brought Salsa music to an international audience. Blades has won 17 Grammys, acted in Hollywood, earned a law degree from Harvard and even ran for President of his native Panama. He lives in New York, where he shares his life at home and on tour with the camera. Critically acclaimed director Abner Benaim takes us on a journey through Ruben's 50 year career, revealing that Ruben might still have both musical and political ambitions. The film is a celebration of this living legend and his struggle to come to terms with his legacy.
- Escrita y dirigida por: Abner Benaim
- Sound by: Lena Esquenazi
- Mezcla sonora por: Carlos García
- Produced by: Abner Benaim, Cristina Gallego y Gema Juarez Allen
- Cinematography by: : Mauro Colombo , Gaston Girod y Carlos Rossinii
- Music by: Rubén Blades
- Editing by: Felipe Guerrero
Entrada Oficial de Panamá-Premio de la Academia a la Mejor Película Internacional
- Premio del Público SXSW
- Mejor Película Centro americana en el Festival de Cine de Costa Rica (2019)
- Mejor Edición en los Premios Macondo (2019)
- Nominada a Mejor Documental Latam-Premios Platino